Friday, February 27, 2009

Comrade Obama & the new USSA

The new socialist USA, by popular demand;

[from AC360 CNN Transcripts]

"RYAN MACK, PRESIDENT, OPTIMUM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: We have tried the trickle-down tax cut theory. All we got was a double-sized debt and stagnant growth. Now it's time to invest in the people. We will have a long-term economic recovery."

"COOPER: We're talking about President Obama's new plan to spend your money, his new budget, what you get for it, and how drastically different the priorities are this year, priorities the president laid out during the campaign.

But, you know, it's one thing to -- to vote for them, or vote for change, another thing to completely pay for change, especially during a recession."

"GERGEN: I think their concerns are very legitimate, and that -- but it's important to remember that President Obama campaigned on these reforms.

He did get the country's support. And he's now following through on the reforms. I don't think people quite understood, when they elected him, how much they would cost cumulatively."

"But what's he doing? He's trying to get health care reform done, massive health care reform. That's a huge change of direction for the United States. That's very expensive. He's trying to get energy reform done, clean energy, very important for the country, but also very expensive.

And he's doing it through a significant redistribution of wealth. Over the last 20 years or so, Democrats feel we have had a redistribution of wealth upward, to the upper 1 percent or 2 percent. President Obama is saying: I'm going to pay for this by redistributing wealth downwards."

""GERGEN: it's important to remember that President Obama campaigned on these reforms. "

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