Thursday, March 5, 2009

Quoted: America! Give Up Your Freedom!!

From CNN Transcripts; [ source; http:///

"BROWN: (British PM) 20 years later in the 1980's, America, led by President (Reagan), refused to accept the fate of millions trapped behind the (Iron curtain) and insisted instead that the peoples of Eastern Europe be allowed to join the ranks of nations which live safe, strong, and free. --- People said it would never happen in our lifetime, but it did. And the Berlin Wall (aka "The Iron Curtain") was torn down brick by brick. (1990 - under Reagan/Bush I) "

"BROWN: (British PM) Now, I want to thank you on behalf of the British people because throughout a whole century, the America people stood liberty's ground not just in one world war but in two. (Particularly in wwII after the ignored pleas of Winston Churchill, were finally heded.) --- And I want you to know that we will never forget the sacrifice and the service of the American soldiers who gave their lives for people whose names they never knew and whose faces they never saw, yet people who have lived in freedom thanks to the bravery and valor of the Americans who gave that last full measure of devotion. --- And there is no battlefield of liberty on which there is not a piece of land that is marked out as American, and there is no day of remembrance within Britain that is not also a commemoration of American courage and sacrifice far from home. In the hardest days of the last century, faith in the future (American Freedom) kept America alive. And I tell you that America kept faith in the future (American Freedom) alive for all the world."

"BROWN: (British PM) I come now to talk of new and different battles we must also fight together to speak of a global economy in crisis and a planet in peril. --- And when banks have failed and markets have faltered, we, the representatives of the people (the government) have to be the people's last line of defense. --- And that's why, for me, there is no financial orthodoxy so entrenched, there's no conventional thinking so ingrained, there's no special interest so strong that it should ever stand in the way of the change that hardworking families now need. --- And if, perhaps, someone thought it beyond our power to shape global markets (via government control) to meet the needs of the people, we now know that that is our duty. We cannot and must not stand aside. And I have learned again what I was taught by him that wealth should help more than the wealthy, that good fortune should serve more than the fortunate; and that riches must enrich not just some of our communities but all of our communities. (Give up your American freedom!)"

"BROWN: (British PM) But how much safer would everybody's savings be if the whole world finally came together to outlaw shadow banking systems and outlaw offshore tax havens?" (Be a good nigger, pay your taxes, and mind your master! Freedom seeking niggers are bad!)

British PM Gordon Brown's Address to Congress! (You might compare Gordon Brown to the then PM Neville Chamberlain facing the NAZIS threat!!)

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