Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Depression Watch Dec 2 2008

Dow Close (Tues)       8,419.09    270.00
Oil                     $47.91

Even the appearance of instability can push a market down, as seen in both Thailand and Canada. Barack, seemingly has learned this and gave the nod to what looks like a centered cabinet. However, the devil is always in the details.

Once again the "Big 3" are scheduled to return to the Hill - looking like beggars. The unions think that this will solve their problems. Little do they know that this has been done before - and not worked. Lee Iacocca got a hand out, that gave Chrysler a few years - before being taken over by Daimler. Michael Moore [7] thinks  things will be different - if the companies are nationalized [8]. However, he has not seen the hand-outs and deals given to the "Big 3" by his beloved Canada - and they still failed. He believes that the other socialist countries like Canada are actually friends. (Although, he contradicts this view in [8].) So, it may come as a shock to see the Canadian Coup, lead by the dictators Stephane Dion, Jack Layton and Gille (Jill) Duceppe - with yet another deal for the "Big 3" at the center.

[9] Stephane Dion, with Jack Layton and Gille Duceppe, plan to seize control of the Canadian government (without an election) by the end of the month. Reading the paper, like the Toronto Star, it's amazing to see how the socialist Canadians don't care that the ideals of democracy, which were fought for with the blood of Canadian soldiers, are now gone. [10] Just given away! Ironic that this is the model that the Democrats look to!

Thailand's stocks fall, as ruling party is dissolved --- Protesters say after court ruling that they will end occupation of airport --- Equities in Bangkok ended with losses Tuesday, as Thailand's constitutional court ordered the dissolution of the ruling party and banned the prime minister from politics for five years, marking the latest stage in the nation's long-running political turmoil.  - MarketWatch

[2] S&P/TSX      8406.21      8327.81      -78.40  - Toronto Star

[3] The Conservatives today released radio ads that accuse Liberal Leader Stephane Dion, soundly defeated in the Oct. 14 vote, of wanting to take power "through the back door." - The Toronto Star

[4] The Liberals and the NDP have signed a formal, unprecedented pact to replace the minority Conservatives, who were re-elected just seven weeks ago, with a (unelected/monarch appointed) coalition government. - The Toronto Star

[5] Governor General Michaelle Jean said she is cutting short a European tour and returning to Canada, where she could be called on to decide the fate of the embattled Conservative government. --- Jean was also asked if she had any message for Canadians about the current crisis and the way governance is going to be achieved. --- "I think this is part of our democratic system. This is happening and it certainly requires a lot of attention, and the role of the governor general is to ensure that our governance is on the right path, so as soon as I'm back I will fulfill my duties and in total sound judgment." - The Toronto Star

[6] Since Confederation there has only been one federal coalition government in Canada's history: the Union Government of World War I, which lasted from 1917-1920. This was a coalition between the Conservative Party, led by Robert Borden, and Liberals and independents. Faced with strong opposition to conscription and with other major difficulties during WWI, Borden sought to broaden his wartime political base by bringing several conscriptionist Liberals and other public figures into his government. In the December 1917 general election, this government won a decisive victory over Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Liberals. The Union coalition did not long survive its triumph: the end of the war brought many Liberals back to their old affiliation, while other Unionists supported the new Progressive party. - The Toronto Star

[7] MOORE: Well, because -- because we can't let all these people lose their jobs because of the bad decisions, the stupid decisions made by the management of these auto companies. So I think what has to happen here is that Congress needs to pass some legislation, and our president-elect needs to do what Roosevelt did. --- When Roosevelt came in and when World War II faced the country, Roosevelt said to General Motors and Ford, you're not going to build cars anymore. You're going to build airplanes and tanks and guns and the things that we need for this war because we have a national crisis. And so General Motors had to do what Roosevelt told them they had to do. - Larry King Live, CNN

[8] MOORE: Absolutely. Absolutely. I'll tell you, it was hilarious just watching these CEOs there yesterday and today testifying in Congress, saying that, you know, that the problem wasn't their -- you know, the cars they were building. It was the financial situation that we're in now. --- [The problem is the cars they've been building.] They've never listened to the consumers. They've just gone about it their own wrong way. And I'll tell you, you know, I'm of mixed mind about this bailout, Larry, because I don't think these companies, with these management people, should be given a dime, [because they're -- that's just going to be money going up in smoke or off to other countries. I mean, G.M. is currently building a $300 million factory in Russia right now to build SUVs, right outside of St. Petersburg.] - Larry King Live, CNN

[9]  An aid package to help Ontario's struggling automakers is still being discussed with Ottawa despite worries about turmoil in the country's capital. --- "I'm confident that I'll continue to work with the federal government on this," Economic Development Minister Michael Bryant said today. --- "Given the circumstances around the auto industry, it's particularly important for myself and our government to remain non-partisan when it comes to dealing with the federal government. I'll let Parliament resolve its issues itself." --- Bryant's comments came as the federal Liberals agreed today to support a tentative deal with the NDP – backed by the Bloc Quebecois – to form a coalition government with Stephane Dion as interim prime minister. - The Toronto Star

[10] THANK YOU -- I am so glad that you decided to post this Q&A. I can only hope that it will put a end to all those ridiculous words like "illegal, undemocratic, hijacked and coup" that have been bandied about by those who appear not to understand their own parliamentary system. Having said that, I find it incredibly sleazy of Harper and the Conservatives to launch a vociferous media campaign against his own constitution and parliamentary system - The Toronto Star, Comment

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama's Broken Promise

What better way to say something, than with someone else's words - as proof.

LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, Michael Moore -- he made his name taking on General Motors and mouthing off about the automaker.
What's he got to say about a $25 billion loan for the big three, grilled again today on the Washington hot seat?

And why are they asking for your hard-earned money when they flew to D.C. on their corporate jets?

What's wrong with this picture?

Plus, President-Elect Obama ran his campaign on change.

Is he filling jobs with the same old faces?

And could Bill Clinton cost Hillary the biggest job in the cabinet?

Right now, on LARRY KING LIVE.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's Wrong with American schools

We always here the question (and exclamation); "What wrong with our schools?!" It then, typically, is blamed on poor funding and that more money is needed to "fix" the problem! Well here's a hint!

Student Arrested For 'Passing Gas'

Teen Charged With Disruption Of School

POSTED: 8:22 am EST November 22,

A student at a Florida school
has been arrested after authorities say he was "passing gas" and turned
off his classmates' computers.According to a report released
Friday by the Martin County Sheriff's Office, the 13-year-old boy
"continually disrupted his classroom environment" by intentionally
breaking wind. He then shut off some computers other students were

The Spectrum Junior-Senior High School was arrested Nov. 4 A school resource officer placed the boy under arrest after he
confessed about his behavior, according to the report. He was charged
with disruption of school function and released to his mother.

Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama and his Economic Advisor Warren Buffet

A quote;

The Greenberg fiasco has dragged in Warren Buffett, because General Re, a subsidiary of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, was the other side of one of the suspect AIG transactions. Buffett is at best a peripheral player in the drama.

And, on an interesting note of friends of friends;

He is scheduled to meet with investigators on April 11, but New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's office has taken pains to note that Buffett is being called in as a witness, not a target.

And --

The folksy billionaire and investor par excellence is the self-appointed conscience of the American capitalist democrat.

And Finally, the source;

[ , Posted Monday, April 4, 2005,]
(Disclosure: Buffett is a director of the Washington Post Company, which owns Slate.)

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Monday, October 27, 2008

The Socialists

During this election (2008) we have heard much about socialism and socialist. When Reagan was president we heard a lot about socialism and socialists - so, what is socialism and who are the socialists? Socialism is a model of society in which a small group of people - the intellectuals, run everything - for the good of society. Socialism is, fundamentally, an elected Oligarchy. It is not a true democracy. The proceeding is a simple digest of socialism, because it's not just one thing, but comes in large variety flavors. Socialism starts with the fundamental belief that there is (are) no God, (or gods) - therefore man must take charge of society, and it's destiny. How this is accomplished, determines the type of socialism.

The development and types of socialism;

==The Classical age==

  1. Naturalists - believe only in nature (God is excluded), but have no real proof.

  2. Darwinists - take the work of Darwin, and expand on his view evolution, as their proof

  3. Eugenists - expand Darwinism to humans; this included human experimentation in the same manner as any animal. This can be seen to be the roots of modern medicine (a purely physical and anatomical view of the human body).

  4. The other major group (the other side of socialists) during the classical age are the philosophers, who comment on the state of society and suggest improvements. However, during this period the moral authority are the monarchy and the church.

    ==The Modern age==

    (Socialism evolves into two groups, the philosophers and the scientists (who were philosophers))

  5. Psychiatrists (scientists) - expanded human experimentation, humans, to the brain and neurochemistry (eliminating the mind)

  6. Psychologists (philosophers) - looked at the environment (society itself) as the cause and effect on behavior [Freud, Jeung]

  7. The Communistists (philosophers) - Marxists; Russia (Leninists, Stalinists) ; China (Maoista) - These are the main forms Communists (an evolution of psychologists) that "suceeded" in taking over a country.

  8. Nationalists (scientists) - the Nazis (an evolution of Eugenists)

  9. ==1945 was a big year for socialism. It was the modern age, killed by the atomic bomb (1945), the horrors of the Nazi social experiment, and the beginning of the Cold War.==

    ==The Post-Modern age==

  10. Scientists & Realists - only science can solve the ills of society, their belief in themsleves and man, out weighs any belief in God, or a god. (Religion is reduced to a concept or philosophy.)
    However, there was a further split between the physics community and the rest of science. While the rest of science remained classical in structure and nature, physics fundamentally changed with the atomic bomb and atomic physics. Modern physics would be fundamentally different from classical physics. It would also produce space science, the space program and the computer age. All of which are fundamental contradictions to the socialist base of the scientists, because it ends certainty and prediction.

  11. Unionists (morons/workers)- see unions as the center (and fundamentals) of society
    Unionists are not socialists, by definition, because they are not academics. Officially, according to socialist/academic standards, unionists, because they have high school, or less, are classified as morons and require union hierarchy to manage their affairs. This is the current structure of unions. [reference: Happy Death (for definition of moron)]

  12. Nihilists/Anarchists (philosophers) - belief in reality is suspended (essential core of the 60's and the psychodelic experience)

  13. Surrealists (philosophers) - bent reality with psychotropic drugs (but were not necessarily Nihilists)

  14. The psychodelic socialist era which lasted a short 5 years (1965 to 1970) end with the 1970's drug addiction and homelessness created by the drug addiction. This killed the neo-socialists and the post-modernists following the surrealist lin. What followed would be Anarchy. The anarchists, within the Nihilist would take center stage.

    ==The Post-Modern Anarchist-Nihilist age (1980)==
  15. Anarchist-Nihilists (philosophers) - belief in reality and society is suspended, and it reverts to a tribal state of society. It was reflected in the dress of the new punk-rock movement, and the 1980's typical dress/fashion reflecting social decay.

  16. ==The Post-Modern Socialist Rebirth (1990)==
  17. Neo-paganists/Neo-Tribialists (philosophers) - paganism, and tribalism, is reborn among the socialists to form the peace (no nukes) movement (the peaceniks). It evolves from the tribalism (tribalists) that emerges from Anarchist-Nihilists, and includes groups like the Goth.

  18. Geneticists (scientists) - are rebirth of Eugenists, based on genetic science.

  19. Environmentalists (philosophers) - reborn Naturalist, in post-modern reconstructionist (or neo-naturalist) form. It also mixes in with neo-tribalism and neo-paganism [reference: the Burning Man Festival]

  20. Racists (philosophers) - see race, and repairing the damage of systemic racism, as the central issue in improving society, a neo-marxist reconstruction

  21. This label, is not the epitaph that one calls another it defines any group who believes (or sees) race, and repair the damage of systemic racism, as the central issue in improving society. It's socialism with this function as primary in social justice.

  22. Capitalists (realists) - see large corporations as the center of society.
    These are actually neo-capitalists, because they see corporate monopolies running the world. They are not free-market capitalists who see a wide diverse economy. They are oligarchs, who view few monopolies, and conglomerates, as the standard. As stock market collapse/crisis works in their favor. Capitalists and union hierarchy became partners in the late 1990's.

  23. Obamaist (philosophers) - The socialist follower of Obama, just as those who followed Lenin are Leninists. The philosophy pulls from a variety of left socialist ideals.

Social justice is the cry - socialism is the answer - so say the socialists. The apologists say - choose your poison! (because, they are all socialists {they referring to politicians and political choice}). The history of socialism is long, and it's still evolving. The end of the Soviet Union (the USSR) was not the end of socialism, it was just an end of a phase of socialism - just as the end of Nazis were. Mistakenly, socialism and socialist are viewed as leftist, liberals, etc. . Socialism, and socialists, exist on both the left and the right and sit in the geopolitcal spectrum with Theists (the belief in religious based societies, with the leader given divine right to rule). This article is a brief overview of socialism, with which we can (and will) explore socialism further.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

CNN's Openly biased Jack Cafferty Ignores Palin Porn by Obama Camp

CNN Transcript Oct. 23 2008

JACK CAFFERTY, CNN ANCHOR: Wolf, John McCain said this on February 3, 2008 when talking about his run for the White House. This is a quote. "We will run an honorable campaign."

McCain made that statement in response to a question about whether his campaign would resemble George Bush's run for the White House in 2000, which as you'll recall was one of the nastier campaigns on record. Well, with less than two weeks to go now before Election Day, it's very much an open question whether John McCain has kept his word. In fact, in the last few weeks, John McCain has become downright nasty.

It began around the time -- you'll recall this -- the time that one of his advisers said that if McCain campaigned on the economy, he would lose. And the ugly personal attacks began:

- Barack Obama's past acquaintance with William Ayers; (true)
- Barack Obama's economic plan is socialism; (It is)
- Barack Obama will say anything to get elected. ; (He will, including disavowing his paster of 20 years)
- His running mate, Sarah Palin , chimed in with such gutter-level rhetoric as Obama pals around with terrorists. ; (Ayres did bomb the pentagon and Obama has work closely with Ayres in Chicago and as an Illinios state senator. This included a "working" party at Ayres home.)

The sudden negative tone (or reality) for the man who vowed to run an honorable campaign is not going unnoticed by the voters (Obama supporters and a biased media). A recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll found 60 percent -- that's three-fifths of the voters that were surveyed -- think John McCain has unfairly attacked Barack Obama, and that is up rather sharply from 42 percent just a month before.

It's sad that an honorable man like John McCain, in a desperate struggle to avoid being embarrassed on November the 4th, has resorted to campaign tactics that are typically associated with people who can make no legitimate claim to being honorable.

The Huffington Post Review of Palin Porn by "the Friends of Hillary"
The faux Sarah is Lisa Ann, who "will be nailing the Russians who come knocking on her back-door." In another scene -- a flashback -- "young Paylin's creationist college professor will explain a 'big bang' theory even she can't deny!"

There's also a threeway with Hillary and Condoleezza look-alikes. The video is in pre-production, but is being fast tracked for release before the election.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." - Obama

When Barack Obama uttered the words, "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."., he identified himself as a socialist. He also stated one of the biggest misconceptions of socialism. They assume poverty is solely financial condition - and free money for the poor will solve the problems of poverty. However, you just have to look at the idle rich, like Paris Hilton to see what "free money" and no purpose in life does to a person.

The daily gossip shows, who's target is the idle rich Hollywood, shows that easy money does not resolve deeper problems and does not bring happiness. Former child star, and former supermodel, Brooke Shield has become the poster child, with her public feud with Scientologist Tom Cruise, over her chronic depression and her use of medication. Yet another view into the idle rich, is seen in the very public meltdown of Britney Spears - also a child star. This was followed by the problems and pregnancy of her sister Jamie-Lynn Spears. It was at the same time as the problems of another child star, Lindsey Lohan - and in the light of past child stars like Danny Bonaduce.

However, problems are not limit to child stars. There was the drug overdose of Heath Ledger (star of Batman: The Dark Knight, in which he stars as the Joker) that involved the Olsen Twin Mary-Kate. Who, with her twin Ashley, also appear troubled - in the glare of media lights. This was in the same line as the suicide of David Strickland, who co-starred with Brooke Shields in Suddenly Susan. Which was comparable to the murder-suicide of Saturday Night Live star Phil Hartman, committed by his wife. The problem is so large that a tv shows on addiction - in particular celebrity addiction (Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew a VH1 show) have very high ratings. So what evidence is there that "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

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Biden views Barack as Dangerous

SEN. JOSEPH BIDEN, (D-DE) VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: "Watch, we're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's going to have to make some really tough, I don't know, what the decision is going to be, but I promise you it will occur."

So, If you want an international crisis vote for Obama! Biden's going to guaranty it!

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Death

For socialists, right and wrong (morals) are relative. Murder isn't murder, if it's happy or beneficial. Happy death is sited as a means to improve society - to eliminate the imperfect. The imperfect, who are clearly suffering, and providing an undue burden on society. For these people, and the subhumans, infecting the gene pool - happy death is applied as a humane solution. The view is, if the death is "painless" and good then it's ok. This view is well documented in history, and completely ignored by socialists.

Using two references printed prior to 1965, a good understanding of happy death can be seen and understood. To begin, believe it or not, we are not in modern times. Socialism has three periods classical, modern and post-modern. Socialism, fundamentally, began with the utterance of, "God is dead", in the age of classical science. With this statement, God, religion, the soul and all moral standards also were dead. This posed the question, where did humans come from - the naturalists (the Darwinists) had the answer; man evolved. From here the social view (historically) splits in to two fundamental groups; (and this begins are historical case study).

[From; Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, 1938 to 1968, Lib. of Congress Catalog Card # 68-20922]
Eugenics - - A division of biological science .... concerned with the study of human heredity and methods of improving the heritage of human beings.

Sir Francis Galton, a student of human heredity, was a pioneer in suggesting the possibility of securing a better heritage for mankind by deliberate control of human reproduction.

The great mass of respectable, self-maintaining, ambitious human beings .... are not maintaining their lines of descent. --- The purpose of eugenics to correct this discrepancy demands for its realization some practical means of leveling the birth rate by increase in the upper brackets of society and by decrease in the lower. {Planned parenthood and abortion} Sterilization has been suggested for the latter purpose and has been legalized by more than half of the states. It can be applied as a legal compulsion, however, only to institutionalized criminals and defectives, and this application does not reach this parts of society most in need of restriction. Education in the serious import of the unbalanced birth rate and in the responsibility of the family to society have also been suggested, but unfortunately the foundations of human existence involve a stronger sense of responsibility to family than society.

Idiocy - That degree of mental deficiency characterized by the exhibition of a mental age less than a child of three. (A person displaying such behavior is an - idiot.)

Mental Deficiency - Arrested or incomplete development of the mind {psychology} due to arrested or incomplete development of the brain. {psychiatry} In the United States mental defectives are classed as (1) idiots, those whose mental development never gets beyond that of a normal child of 3 years; (2) imbeciles, who reach the mental age of 7; (3) feebleminded individuals, who reach the mental age of 10 years, and (4) morons, whose mental age is 12 years. --- In Great Britain, mental deficiency is defined as a condition of arrested development of mind existing before the age of 18 years, and mental defectives are subdivided as (1) idiots, who are unable to guard themselves against common dangers; (2) imbeciles; who though not idiots are incapable of managing or being taught to manage themselves or their affairs; (3) feebleminded, who though not imbeciles are so defective as to require supervision and control and as children are incapable of receiving education at school; (4) moral defectives, in whom mental defect is coupled with vicious or criminal propensities.

In primary mental deficiency heredity is a prominent factor.

The above study shows the mind set of socialism to design and shape society. One should realize, that the above is not current, and can no longer be found in science literature today. It's be "cleaned" out to be more sensitive about social issues. However, the underlying ideas are very much present. Ask yourself why abortion clinics are primarily located in poor neighborhoods. Further, and finally, you will see that the above and happy death (to achieve the social goals) is the base, the fundamentals, of socialism.

Definition: Euthanasia; Well death, good death [Webster's Dictionary, 1975]

Monday, October 13, 2008

Comrade Obama

Why do American socialists feel the need to deny who they are? Continually, in order to get elected they run their campaigns - unlike their European cousins - as faux Republicans or conservatives. This was true of the 2004 congressional election. Democrats ran in the conservative industrial belt, not as socialists, not even as typical Democrats - but as fiscally conservative Republicans. Obama, as revered as he is in the socialist world, has changed his presidential campaign, from the definitively socialist primary to a Republican campaign. He is now talking tax cut, not tax increase. His is now talking about a hybrid private-public healthcare system, not a government controlled universal healthcare system. He is now talking about drilling for oil, where before he was for only "green" energy. He is on record, working with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, and Acorn - now he doesn't know them. He's on record talking open globalism, open borders, and speaking unconditionally with enemies of the United States - now he is American and patriotic. He ran (in the primaries) against guns (with the socialist peace groups), for abortion (with the socialist materialists), for housing as a right (with the communist socialists ACORN), - now, he's in middle America talking about how he identifies with their values.

Barack association with socialists is not new, nor is his association with radical revolutionaries. Yet, seeing all this, and the wealth of information that can be researched, one wonders why it's not in the news. A quick study of socialism, and socialists, shows that it's not a bottom up movement - but an intellectual movement, grown in academic institutions. It's academic, privileged people, putting on clothes of the less educated and sitting (communing) with the mindless masses of society. These elites, take pity on - and then educate - the masses about how they (the elite) can improve their (the masses) lives. They then teach them how, poverty is not their fault - but a product of oppression by an evil, greedy master. Cultivating, and agitating, they push the masses to revolution - and central government (a league of academic privileged) control. A kindly group of big brothers and sisters, who will take care of the masses - doing what's best for them; what's best for society. A major part of the academic elite is the media - the press.

The irony here, being that with such control, the fear of running as a socialist would be non-existent. However, a view of socialism, and socialists, in history may shed some light on the issue. Socialism is a model of society in which a small group of people - the intellectuals, run everything - for the good of society. The proceeding is a simple digest of socialism, because there is a large variety of socialism. Socialism starts with the fundamental belief that there is no God, or gods - therefore man must take charge of society and it's destiny. How this is accomplished, determines the type of socialism. For example, Darwinists believe in evolution, and that man is the highest form of evolution. They also believe that properly evolved humans are intellectual, and all other are sub-human. As such, in order to perfect human society (thereby created a new world order - a utopia), all sub-humans must either be evolved (re-educated if possible) or eliminated. This view of socialism (eliminating the imperfections from society) is standard across all forms of socialism. However, they never define it as murder. It's usually called a "happy" death or an abortion. This happy death, or abortion, existed in the socialist states of Russia (under Stalin), China (under Mao) and Nazi Europe (under Hitler).

This is what's particularly disturbing about Obama's socialist record. In line with today's socialists, the abortion of infants is viewed in the same manner as the Jews, and other undesirables were, under the Nazis. Today's socialists give many reasons how abortion can improve society (like planned parenthood and population control) . With the power of life, and death, in their hands - socialists wield their god-like power and ideas - condemning anyone who threatens their view of a perfect society. Socialism starts off kind, and promises of a better world, but ends in death and destruction. Truly, from a historical perspective, a hell on Earth. This is the fear behind socialism, and the word socialist, but socialist are ignorant of theirown history - insisting that "this time will be different - better!"

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Friday, October 10, 2008

The UN for Socialists and DE for Americans

The UN for Socialists and DE for Americans

If, over the last few weeks and days, you confidence in American freedom has hit an all time low, or you are seriously concerned. There is a solution.

Woodrow Wilson created the UN for socialists, I (Dr. Daniel Carras) created DE (Democratic Earth) for Americans. The UN has set it's site on creating a global socialist utopia - via a global socialist government. DE has set it's site on global American democracy - against global socialism.  We have, and are, answering the global socialist point for point with private, no government controlled solutions.

- our flag is the American revolutionary flag
    - A cross has been placed in the center of the 13 stars
    - The 13 star represents Christ and the 12 apostles
    - While our moral base is early Christianity, pre 1000 AD, the cross on the flag is in reference to what Christ did in history - stand against authority!
    - Christ stood for equality for all, and challenged the assumed divine right to rule, and the divine right of authority.
    - He was executed (crucified) on the cross - by the Jewish and Roman authorities, sacrificing himself for us
    - He also stated the love cannot be force, but choosen by free will
    - He called Himself God, and invited all to become His family

- our morals
    - The Original Christian morals (pre 800AD), which includes it's Jewish origins.
    - We are all family, so we are all equal
    - love and peace are at the base of these morals, along with free will

- our constitution is at and is built on the original American Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

We have:

1. A court of justice;
2. A bank; (we have real solution for this economic crisis)
3. No taxes - ever!
4. An education system;
5. A health care system;

If you are concerned about how you can save your American freedom, as the USA has become the USSA (United Socialist States of America), then;

1. go to and fill out the form the best you can, you can go to and request to be our friend

2. If you choose the myspace option, please a message with you information (name, address, etc.)
3. Once you have been confirmed (by either means) you can create yourown id card (just email us a digital picture of it).
4. Use your rights as a global American!

Let's stand, together against global socialism, the UN and the USSA!

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Are You Ready for the Great Depression?

As stock markets continue to plunge, what the mainstream media won't tell you is that they are part of the problem. It's not just a confidence issue, there are real economic fundamental that are now broken and need fixing. All of the medias experts are urging calm - and business as usual. They're wrong (partily) yes stay calm (because there is an out) but it's far from business as usual.

The problem is that we wanted way too much. Our expectation of entitlements, free health care, free education, free (universal housing) and the ever expanding government - all cost real money. However, socialists like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, don't understand this. They believe if they had control of everything (a socialist utopia) that they can deliver a perfect world. So, in lock step with global socialists, and the UN, the Democrats (although hidden from the people) are the new American socialists - and they are planning the new USA - the USSA (the United Socialist States of America).

This crisis is the needed first step, in the socialist manifesto, toward a socialist state. Fear, and panic, which evolves into anger against the government - is the tool they use, to stand and say, "We are with you and we have a solution". The look like leaders, just like Barack Obama, and they will sell you socialism. They will sell you - into giving them full control of everything. They will start with the major institutions, banks and health care. It will evolve to everything else from there. This is the goal of the socialists Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and the rest of the Democrats (who are now the Socialist Democrats).

They have fooled (and are fooling) the people into thinking that they are for the people - and against the "evil" corporations. They are holding hearings to show how they are "so angry" at the corporate greed. What they don't tell you is that this is a show - not real. They aren't angry - they are participating in the greed. Why? Because the companies in front of them are their major supporters and friends. It was the Socialist Democrats, now holding these hearings that created the law (the Community Reinvestment Act, Fanni Mae and Freddie Mac) that created this economic crisis.

What this means, the that the Socialist Democrats (who control both the house and senate - since Jan.2005) have no interest in stopping this financial crisis. In fact, they want this to happen - they have been hoping for this. It's need so they can bring in their socialist state - with the globally loved leader Barack Obama. Obama is loved in the manner that Kim is in North Korea, Lenin was in the USSR (now Russia) and Hitler was in Germany (and yes Hitler was a socialist leader and Nazi Germany was a socialist state). So are you ready for the Great Depression? The USSA? Under the beloved leader Barack Obama!

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

The End of the Free Market - Welcome to the USSA

Published: October 8, 2008, NY Times

WASHINGTON — Having tried without success to unlock frozen credit markets, the Treasury Department is considering taking ownership stakes in many United States banks to try to restore confidence in the financial system, according to government officials.

banks that request it. Such a move would quickly strengthen banks’ balance sheets and, officials hope, persuade them to resume lending. In return, the law gives the Treasury the right to take ownership positions in banks, including healthy ones.

The Treasury plan was still preliminary and it was unclear how the process would work, but it appeared that it would be voluntary for banks.

The proposal resembles one announced on Wednesday in Britain. Under that plan, the British government would offer banks like the Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays and HSBC Holdings up to $87 billion to shore up their capital in exchange for preference shares. It also would provide a guarantee of about $430 billion to help banks refinance debt.

The American recapitalization plan, officials say, has emerged as one of the most
favored new options being discussed in Washington and on Wall Street. The appeal is that it would directly address the worries that banks have about lending to one another and to other customers.

This new interest in direct investment in banks comes after yet another tumultuous day

In a coordinated action, the central banks reduced their benchmark interest rates by one-half percentage point. On top of that, the Bank of England announced its plan to nationalize part of the British banking system and devote almost $500 billion to guarantee financial transactions between banks.

The coordinated rate cut was unprecedented and surprising. Never before has the Fed issued an announcement on interest rates jointly with another central bank, let alone five other central banks, including the People’s Bank of China.

Yet the world’s markets hardly seemed comforted. Credit markets on Wednesday
remained almost as stalled as the day before. Stock prices, which had plunged in Europe and Asia before the announcement, continued to plummet afterward. And stock prices in the United States went on a roller-coaster ride, at the end of which the Dow Jones industrial average was down 189 points, or 2 percent.

On Thursday, shares rebounded somewhat in Europe, with many exchanges up more
than one percent, but Asian markets were mixed.

The gloomy market response on Monday sent policy makers and outside experts on a
scramble for additional remedies to stabilize the banks and reassure investors.
There is no shortage of ideas, ranging from the partial nationalization proposal to a guarantee by the Fed of all lending between banks.

Senator John McCain , the Republican presidential candidate, on Wednesday refined
his proposal — revealed in a debate with the Democratic nominee, Senator Barack
Obama , the night before — to allow millions of Americans to refinance their mortgages with government assistance.

As Washington casts about for Plan B, investors are clamoring for the Fed to lower interest rates to nearly zero. Some are also calling for governments worldwide to provide another round of economic stimulus through expensive public works projects. Yet behind the scramble for solutions lies a hard reality: the financial crisis has mutated into a global downturn that economists warn will be painful and protracted, and for which there is no quick cure.

“Everyone is conditioned to getting instant relief from the medicine, and that is
unrealistic,” said Allen Sinai, president of Decision Economics, a forecasting firm in Lexington, Mass. “As hard as it is for investors and jobholders and politicians in an election year, this crisis will not end without a lot more pain.”

One concern about the Treasury’s bailout plan is that it calls for limits on executive pay when capital is directly injected into a bank. The law directs Treasury officials to write compensation standards that would discourage executives from taking “unnecessary and excessive risks” and that would allow the government to recover any bonus pay that is based on stated earnings that turn out to be inaccurate. In addition, any bank in which the Treasury holds a stake would be barred from paying its chief executive a “golden parachute” package.

Treasury officials worry that aggressive government purchases, if not done properly, could alarm bank shareholders by appearing to be punitive or could be interpreted by the market as a sign that target banks were failing.

At a news conference on Wednesday, the Treasury secretary, Henry M. Paulson Jr. ,
pointedly named the Treasury’s new authority to inject capital into institutions as the first in a list of new powers included in the bailout law.

The idea is gaining support even among longtime Republican policy makers who have
spent most of their careers defending laissez-faire economic policies. “The problem is the uncertainty that people have about doing business with banks, and
banks have about doing business with each other,” said William Poole, a staunchly
free-market Republican who stepped down as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis on Aug. 31. “We need to eliminate that uncertainty as fast as we can, and one way to do that is by injecting capital directly into banks. I think it could be done very quickly.”

Mr. Paulson acknowledged that the flurry of emergency steps had done little to break the cycle of fear and mistrust, and he pleaded for patience.

“The turmoil will not end quickly,” Mr. Paulson told reporters on Wednesday. “Neither the passage of this law nor the implementation of these initiatives will bring an immediate end to the current difficulties.”

Mr. Paulson will play host to finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of 7 countries this Friday. But he cautioned against expecting a grand plan to emerge from the gathering.

More likely, the participants will compare notes about the measures they are adopting in their own countries. David H. McCormick, Treasury’s under secretary for international affairs, said there was no “one size fits all” remedy for the crisis, though countries were cooperating through the coordinated cuts in interest rates, with guarantees on bank deposits and in regulations.

At the Federal Reserve in Washington, officials insisted they had not run out of options and made it clear they were willing to do whatever it took to shore up the economy. Fed officials increasingly talk about the challenge they face with a phrase that President Bush used in another context: “regime change.”

This regime change refers to a change in the economic environment so radical that, at least for a while, economic policy makers will need to suspend what are usually sacred principles: minimal interference in free markets, gradualism and predictability. In the last month, both the Treasury and the Fed took extraordinary steps toward nationalizing three of the biggest financial companies in the country. Last month, the Treasury took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , the giant government-sponsored mortgage-finance companies that were on the brink of collapse. A week later, the Fed took control of the American International Group , the failing insurance conglomerate, in exchange for agreeing to lend it $85 billion.

On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve announced that it would lend A.I.G. an additional $37.8 billion.

But neither the individual corporate bailouts nor the Fed’s enormous emergency lending programs — including up to $900 billion through its Term Auction Facility for banks — have succeeded in jump-starting the credit markets.

“The core problem is that the smart people are realizing that the banking system is broken,” said Carl B. Weinberg, chief economist at High Frequency Economics. “Nobody knows who is holding the tainted assets, how much they have and how it affects their balance sheets. So nobody is willing to believe that anybody else isn’t insolvent, until it’s proven otherwise.”

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Glenn Beck: We are turning into France?

GLENN: I will give you what I believe is the best-case scenario and that is we go through a significant downturn here and at the other end, a few years down the road, we look like France. We have about that much clout in the world, maybe England. We have about that much clout in the world. Our economic power has been that diminished and our welfare and our government resembles France. I believe unless people in congress -- I don't know about you, but I pray for the people in congress, both sides of the aisle and the President and the candidates every single day: Please, Lord, without the pain, please have everybody wake up. Please, please guide them. But I think we're going to look like France. It could be much, much worse than that.

I believe there is a possibility that the country breaks apart and it's because of the disenfranchisement that I have been warning about for a while and I've been begging people in congress, please don't do this, please don't continue to reinjure people; you don't have any idea what you're messing with here, you don't understand where people are living. And now when you add financial trouble and you wipe out people's savings and you start talking about buying all the mortgages that, you know, that nobody could afford because they shouldn't have bought them in the first place. They weren't responsible. "Wait a minute, how come I have to pay that mortgage. Wait a minute. I'm paying higher taxes and I played by the rules and now I'm being hurt for everybody else? And you're continuing to grow this giant government? There's no way out." Once that takes root, trouble. Trouble, trouble, trouble. Because we are not France. We are not England. We are Americans. And I don't care what they think in New York City America is. I don't care what they think what in Hollywood California, what they think America is. It ain't that. We are entrepreneurs. We are the people that tamed the West. We're the people that said, you know what, I don't like that; I'm going here because I'll be in charge of my own life. I'll do it. I'll tame the West. I'll take this uninhabitable land and I will grow things with it and I will create a better tomorrow. That's who we are. We're not French.

But there is enough people that are disenfranchised to the point to where they already want to secede from the union. I told you a couple of years ago the secession movement in this country is growing. I told you last week, I've been watching websites, not me personally but somebody on my staff that watches websites all the time and they watch the extremist websites, from the crazies that are home grown to Al-Qaeda, we watch them. There is a difference in those websites right now. The ones who are Americans are now starting to say rise up, take your country back, grab your arms. Gang, that is not the answer. That is not the answer. But disenfranchisement is growing.

So let's say those crazies are 8%, that don't believe in the government, don't believe in the Constitution and whether they are left or right or somewhere in between, they just stop this government and the Constitution. Then you add those people who are disenfranchised, who believe in this Constitution but they no longer believe in the people in those offices but they still believe in the system. That's where I am. But there's a growing number of people in my group that are now starting to say, "But I don't know how to fix this system because this system is rigged against the people." Wait until you add the disenfranchisement of the next election. The fraud has already begun. When this election -- if this election, God forbid, if this election is deemed fraudulent by either side, now you've rigged it. People already doubt, but once they really doubt that your voice will actually be heard on either side, you can't keep taking things we believe in away from us.

You add global finance, France, the UN, Russia, China has asked for a global currency. France said yesterday or day before, new world order. One financial system needs to come out of this. Last night for the first time ever all the central banks globalized and they all made one move together and they're all now saying we need to meet, we need to control the globe's financing. The UN is talking about a UN financial network. One currency. You add to the disenfranchisement now, what is it, 79% of Americans are Christian? How many of those actually still believe in the resurrection, how many believe still really in the return of Christ? 50%? 40%? I don't know, but it's large, that actually say, you know, there is some day where all these things are going to come true. Well, one world finance, one world currency, new world order, going to spook the bejesus out of those people.

So from that maybe 2% of people that are spooky and crazy, you keep going down this road and the politicians stick the normal people in the eye and say, "Oh, well, you couldn't really do anything about that. How about I jab this into you a little more." How many percentage points do you add? One global currency. How many percentage points do you add? It's a table that you can keep adding. Disenfranchisement is its own table. You can't keep adding weight to it and that's what everybody is doing. Everybody step of the way all of these different groups, they keep having another load, sandbag, thrown on top of them. Well, at some point -- and I believe it's going to be the crazy leg -- somebody is going to do something nuts.

Let me take -- let's say it's not an American, you know, revolutionary that should be nailed and executed like Timothy McVeigh. Let's say, something crazy, that Al-Qaeda is already here. Let's say there's -- let's say there's a cell that we all know about in Virginia. If you've been listening to this show for the last couple of years, you know exactly what I'm talking about, that the State Department won't do anything about because it's financed by the Saudis. Let's just say that could happen. Now let's just say that that cell's been waiting and that cell sees this financial situation and knows "We could collapse America." And they go into the malls, they go into our schools, whatever, and there's ten bombs, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and America freaks out. Well, let me ask you this: The Bubba Factor. Bubba says, "Well, damn these guys, I know exactly who they are." There's a guy who works at the 7-11 and he goes in and he shoots him. Well, that guy was an Indian. That guy wasn't an Al-Qaeda terrorist. He might have been Arab but he wasn't a terrorist. Well, the government must go in and take down Bubba. But at the same time they take down Bubba, you've got the disenfranchisement and you've got a group of people who are normal, who say, "Wait a minute, just a second. Okay, that guy was bad, but wait a minute, you're going after him; you are the guys who did it. You didn't pay attention to that cell. You knew. You knew the border was open, you knew these people were here in Virginia, and you did nothing because you wanted to save yourself and you wanted to save political correctness." Now what happens then?

At some point exactly what's happening now with the economy is going to happen. God forbid, I pray every night this is wrong. The same thing is going to happen. People are going to walk into the President's office and they are going to say, Mr. President, we've got civil disobedience, this whole damn country is coming apart at the seams. You have got to crack down on anyone of any kind of dissent. If it's a dissenting voice, it is going out of control. You've got to stop it. And the President hopefully will say, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, we can't do that." "Mr. President, if you don't get guns off the street right now, Mr. President, if you don't shut down dissenting voices right now, the whole country is going to be lost." The same argument they are using right now. God help the President of the United States, whoever he is, because I know I wouldn't want to be there. I wish we had George Washington and I wish we were voting for Abraham Lincoln. Who knows. Maybe that person will come out in the individuals we have to elect. But one way or another that could happen and that President could say, crack down.

I told you last week they've got a brigade here in America for this eventuality or for terrorism. They've got a brigade here. It's happening. They are preparing. Because if you were President, you would prepare as well. But once they do that, because there's so much disenfranchisement, all bets are off. It depends on where you're living in the country. Because we don't trust each other. Because we don't trust our leaders. Because we don't even know our history or our Constitution anymore. I beg of you, please, please read the Constitution. Please read The Real George Washington, The Real Thomas Jefferson, The Real Ben Franklin. Read the 5,000 Year Leap. Read them. Because you may be the one that helps save them. Know these things. Please ponder them in your heart. Please listen to them. Because I don't tell you this because I want you to freak out and I want you to look, look what's coming, oh, they are out to get you. I say it because these things are going to happen and they are going to happen rapidly. You've got to know what you believe in. You've got to be able to consider this as a possibility because when they happen, the worst thing that can happen, as I said to you a year ago. I don't tell you these things to freak you out about the economy. I tell you so you can be prepared because people, when it happens, will freak out. And if they freak out, it's too late. You are to know these things because you are going to be asked and be required to not freak out, to calm people. You might know Bubba, and you are there to calm them because it's a snowball, and once it starts rolling, events will happen too quick and you will lose your country overnight.


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Glenn Beck: CNN report on Ayers

GLENN: I want to play a piece from CNN. This is not Fox. This is CNN. This isn't CNN Headline News. This is CNN. Believe me, I know how difficult it is to get something on the air at CNN. To get something on the air at CNN that is critical of Barack Obama, not really the easiest thing. There are not people clamoring to get that on the air. They check everything six ways to Sunday. Believe me, I know. I have to play this report from Anderson Cooper. Remember, this is not some right wing kook. This is not Fox. This is Anderson Cooper on CNN. Listen to this report on the "No connections between William Ayers and Barack Obama."

COOPER: Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn in the 1960s and Seventies were radicals, members of the Weather Underground, an anti-Vietnam War group that bombed federal buildings including the U.S. capitol and the Pentagon. On the run for years, the case against them was thrown out due to illegal wire taps and prosecutor misconduct. Ayers has never repented and has said as late as 2001 he wished he had done more to stop the war.

Barack Obama confirmed during a primary debate that he knew Ayers and, when pressed, said they served on a charitable foundation board together.

GLENN: Listen to this.

COOPER: Obama condemned Ayers support of violence. But the relationship between Obama and Ayers went much deeper, ran much longer and was much more political than Obama said.

GLENN: Stop, stop. Just stop there. But it gets worse, again. How many times have you heard people say, "Oh, it's the Clinton News Network, it's the Communist News Network." Yeah, sure. Again, the report from CNN on the connection between Ayers and Obama.

VOICE: Arguing is that somehow the fact that these people who served both educational reformers in Chicago, both of whom did have their paths cross professionally as well as neighbors occasionally, that somehow this association is a problem for Barack Obama because of Bill Ayers' past and things that happened in the 1960s when Barack Obama was 7 years old. And that's just wrong. And frankly it's quite unfair.

COOPER: One place their paths repeatedly crossed according to a CNN review of board minutes and other records was Chicago's Annenberg Challenge project where a $50 million grant from the Annenberg Foundation matched locally funds to schools. According to participants and project records, Bill Ayers fought to bring the Annenberg grant to Chicago. Barack Obama was recruited as its chair. For seven years Bill Ayers and Obama, among many others, worked on funding for education projects including some experiments supported by Ayers.

GLENN: Listen to this.

COOPER: Stanley Kurtz, a conservative researcher for the Ethics and Public Policy Center who has been reviewing the recently --

GLENN: This is the guy that Obama has tried to silence, now on CNN.

KURTZ: Instead of giving money directly to schools, they gave money to what they called external partners and these partners were often radical community organizer groups.

COOPER: And the board gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Bill Ayers' small schools project, promoting alternative education, the peace school with a curriculum centered around a United Nations theme.


COOPER: And another school where the focus was African-American studies.


VOICE: And this was directly funded by Annenberg?

KURTZ: Oh, yes, under Obama's chairmanship. Oh, yes, in a specific draw of the board of --

GLENN: Stop. This doesn't bother anyone? This, I know this bothers you. This doesn't? How do you dismiss? He was a chairman of the board that did experimental schools with a guy who says you shouldn't discipline children, that quote: Children should rise up and kill their parents. Okay? He's never corrected that. Never stood down from that. He's on the board with that man doing experimental schools, and one of them is a school based on the United Nations? And somehow or another we're just supposed to dismiss all of this. That, "It doesn't really matter, oh, he's not like that, oh, he didn't know." This guy is a full-fledged fascist in the wings. Now, that's not to say that he's going to become a fascist. This is the closest that we have ever come to having one. No, I take that back. We actually had one. His name was Woodrow Wilson. This guy actually put hundreds of thousands of people in jail for speaking out against him, the government or World War I. This guy developed a system through the Department of Justice where if you heard anyone speak out against the war, you heard anyone speak out against our country, you were to call the Department of Justice, your name would be withheld and the person you heard speaking out would go to prison! So we've had a fascist before. So if anybody tells you we can't have one again, don't listen to them. We've had one before, and this one is coming with a neon sign. This one's coming with his own little militant children following behind him. This one's coming with the Hitler youth in tow. How many times did we say in 1992, "Guys, I think this guy has a sex problem." No, no, no. Now, I was willing to dismiss it after he was on 60 Minutes and say, you know what, we all have problems. I get it, we all have problems. He admitted it, we have problems, we've worked on it in our relationship, we don't have a perfect relationship; we're working on it. Great. But then woman after woman after woman, and everybody started to deny. Everybody was like, no, come on, they're just making that up; they're just doing that. Well, we ended up having a problem on the bathroom floor of the White House. Who's going to be on the bathroom floor in the next administration? Karl Marx? Although he would look pretty hot in a tight blue cocktail dress.


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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Senate Record - McCain's Calls for Reform Ignored in 2005


Mr. McCAIN(Speaking). Mr. President, this week Fannie Mae's regulator reported that the company's quarterly reports of profit growth over the past few years were ``illusions deliberately and systematically created'' by the company's senior management, which resulted in a $10.6 billion accounting scandal.

The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight's report goes on to say that Fannie Mae employees deliberately and intentionally manipulated financial reports to hit earnings targets in order to trigger bonuses for senior executives. In the case of Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae's former chief executive officer, OFHEO's report shows that over half of Mr. Raines' compensation for the 6 years through 2003 was directly tied to meeting earnings targets. The report of financial misconduct at Fannie Mae echoes the deeply troubling $5 billion profit restatement at Freddie Mac.

The OFHEO report also states that Fannie Mae used its political power to lobby Congress in an effort to interfere with the regulator's examination of the company's accounting problems. This report comes some weeks after Freddie Mac paid a record $3.8 million fine in a settlement with the Federal Election Commission and restated lobbying disclosure reports from 2004 to 2005. These are entities that have demonstrated over and over again that they are deeply in need of reform.

For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--known as Government-sponsored entities or GSEs--and the sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market. OFHEO's report this week does nothing to ease these concerns. In fact, the report does quite the contrary. OFHEO's report solidifies my view that the GSEs need to be reformed without delay.

I join as a cosponsor of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, S . 190 , to underscore my support for quick passage of GSE regulatory reform legislation. If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.

I urge my colleagues to support swift action on this GSE reform legislation.


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Summary - The Clinton Community Reinvestment Act

"Community Reinvestment Act"  - Ensuring Credit Adequacy or Enforcing Credit Allocation?
Vern McKinley
[Vern McKinley has worked at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board, and is currently employed at the Resolution Trust Corporation. The opinions expressed in this paper are solely attributable to the author. This article was adapted from a more extensive paper available from the author at 1730 N. Lynn St., Suite A-67, Arlington, VA 22209]

[1]"In a July 15, 1993 speech on the South Lawn of the White House, President Clinton discussed the availability of credit to low and middle-income areas, and mentioned what has been a relatively obscure statute for most of its seventeen-year existence—the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). This statute requires financial institutions to reinvest deposit funds back into the communities in which they are located."

[2]"This statute requires financial institutions to reinvest deposit funds back into the communities in which they are located. Clinton claimed that the CRA has not lived up to its potential. In line with this concern, the bank and thrift regulatory agencies, primarily under the leadership of Clinton-appointee Eugene Ludwig of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), have spent most of the past year and a half revising their regulations interpreting this statute. Even Alan Greenspan, the Reagan-appointed Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board (Fed), has recently taken a more active role regarding CRA issues. He recently gave his first speech on the subject after seven years as Chairman, and cast an instrumental vote against an application for a proposed acquisition by Shawmut National Corporation of Massachusetts. The denial was based upon the powers granted to the Fed by
the CRA.

Rather than being a positive trend, these recent actions allow government and special interest groups to influence and even dictate lending decisions. Instead of being expanded, the CRA should be repealed."

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Monday, October 6, 2008

[Commrade Obama] UN Credibility & Justice

UN shame over sex scandal

.. -->proximic_content_on-->The international
organisation says that almost 200 of its peacekeepers around the world
have been disciplined for sex offences - including rape and child abuse
- but not one seems to have been prosecuted.. -->proximic_content_off-->

By Francis Elliott and Ruth Elkins

Sunday, 7 January 2007

The Independent

Nearly 200 United Nations peacekeepers have been disciplined in the
past three years for sex offences ranging from rape to assaults on
minors, the UN has admitted. Yet none appears to have been prosecuted.

.. -->proximic_content_off-->

.. -->proximic_content_on-->

Senior UN officials said on Friday that 319 soldiers, police or
civilians serving on missions have been investigated for sexual
misconduct over the past three years, and 180 have been dismissed or

These numbers do not include allegations levelled at
members of the UN's own staff. According to an internal UN report,
these total 91, including 13 alleged to have had sex with minors, 15
who gave jobs in return for sex, 17 who had sex with prostitutes, five
who face allegations of rape and one person who is alleged to have
committed sexual assault.

The internal report, which was
published in May last year, presents data on allegations of sexual
exploitation and abuse within the UN system between January and
December 2006. It also says that 40 UN staff were alleged to have
carried out other forms of sexual abuse.

Presenting the figures
about the 319 personnel investigated, the UN Assistant
Secretary-General for Peacekeeping, Jane Holl Lute, said that the
inquiries had resulted in the summary dismissal of 18 civilians, and
the repatriation of 17 international police and 144 military personnel.
However, she did not cite any prosecutions.

According to the UN
Department of Peacekeeping Operations, during the first 10 months of
2006, 63 per cent of misconduct allegations involving peacekeeping
personnel related to sexual exploitation and abuse, a third involving
prostitution. A new anti-prostitution campaign is about to start, "to
target what has been a troubling pathway for sexual exploitation and
abuse in the missions", Ms Lute said.

With nearly 200,000 people
from more than 100 countries rotating through the peacekeeping missions
every year, some people "are going to behave badly", she told a news
conference. "What's different now is... our determination to stay with
this problem... and constantly improve our ability to deal with it."

issue of sexual offences committed by UN personnel made headlines
around the world with claims in early 2005 that peacekeepers in Congo
had sex with Congolese women and girls, usually in exchange for food or
small sums of money. Jordan's UN ambassador, Prince Zeid al-Hussein,
wrote a report several months later that described the UN military arm
as deeply flawed. It recommended withholding the salaries of the guilty
and requiring nations to pursue legal action against perpetrators. It
said abuses had been reported in missions ranging from Bosnia and
Kosovo to Cambodia, East Timor, West Africa and Congo.

The UN
peacekeeping department instituted a new code of conduct for
peacekeepers and new training for officers and all UN personnel, and it
reinforced messages of "zero tolerance" for sexual abuse. The
Peacekeeping Department said in a memo: "In an environment where around
a third of civilians in missions are new at any one time and contingent
members change every six months, there is a constant need for vigilance
and particularly training on standards of conduct."

But serious
allegations continue to surface in many places where UN peacekeepers
work. Investigations last year by the BBC claimed that children had
also been subjected to rape and prostitution by UN peacekeepers in
Haiti and Liberia as far back as 2004.

In one case, an
11-year-old girl told of sexual abuse by peacekeepers outside the gates
of the presidential palace in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. A
14-year-old girl interviewed by the BBC described how she was abducted
and raped inside a UN naval base in Haiti in 2004. The UN dismissed the
allegation due to lack of evidence, and the alleged attacker was
allowed to return to his home country.

In May 2006, another BBC
investigation discovered systematic abuse in Liberia. Food, it was
claimed, had been given out to teenage refugees by UN peacekeepers in
return for sex.

A French UN logistics expert based in Congo was
found to have shot pornographic videos and was about to rape a
12-year-old girl when police raided his home there in December 2004. UN
staffers from Morocco were found to have made 82 local women and girls
pregnant, according to a report by one international group in 2004. The
same year, it was reported that another UN soldier accused of rape
there was apparently hidden in the barracks for a year. UN insiders
also told in 2004 of two Russian pilots who had paid young girls with
jars of mayonnaise and jam to have sex with them.

Last week, a
new case emerged, in Sudan. Children as young as 12 were systematically
forced to have sex with at least four Bangladeshi peacekeepers in the
town of Juba, in south Sudan, for 18 months despite complaints to
senior officers.

According to one newspaper investigation,
peacekeeping and civilian staff based in Juba are regularly picking up
children using their UN vehicles and offering them money in return for
sex. "A man in a white car drove past, I saw that it was a UN car
because it was white with black letters on it," a 14-year-old boy
called Jonas told The Daily Telegraph. "The man had a badge on his
clothes. When he stopped the car, we got out, he put a blindfold on me
and started to abuse me. It was very painful and went on for a long
time. When it was over, we went back to the place we had been and he
pushed me out of the car and left."

On the Sudanese case, the
Department of Peacekeeping Operations corrected information it had
supplied last week that four UN peacekeepers from Bangladesh had been
sent home and 13 other peacekeepers serving in southern Sudan were
under investigation for alleged serious misconduct, including sexual
exploitation and abuse.

According to the department, there are
currently 13 sexual exploitation and abuse cases under investigation by
the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services in Sudan (OIOS), half in
southern Sudan.

These cases include an investigation into an
allegation of sexual exploitation and abuse in June 2006 against a
Bangladeshi peacekeeper in southern Sudan. While the OIOS investigation
is continuing, the department said the peacekeeper was sent home and
dismissed from the army.

In addition, three Bangladeshi guards on
duty when the alleged incident took place, and two officers, were
repatriated for poor supervision or poor command. The Bangladeshi army
dismissed one guard, lowered the rank of the two others, and severely
reprimanded the two officers, the Peacekeeping Department said.

of peacekeepers are rare. Under UN regulations, servicemen and women
can only be prosecuted in their home countries, not in the country
where they are serving. In 1997, a military court sentenced two Belgian
paratroopers to a month in jail and a £200 fine for roasting a Somali
boy over a brazier. Another Belgian soldier is reported to have forced
a young Somali boy to eat pork, drink salt water and then eat his own
vomit. Pictures also appeared in the 1990s of Italian soldiers abusing
and raping a Somali girl.

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What The Bush Tax Cuts Mean for Main Street

More than 90% of all mutual funds have lost money this year, according to the researchers at Morningstar Inc. As fund managers have been flailing to stay afloat, they have been trading like crazy, generating capital gains and, in turn, creating a tax liability for investors.[MarketWatch ;{DAB0DD9D-EC06-411E-B26F-B1607D582983} ]

This is what the Democrats oppose - and call the Bush tax cuts for the rich.


Otherwise, Who will you make to pay that 700 billion USD bailout burden?
[MarketWatch ; Comments]

This comment from the "main street" point of view" reflects the Democrat (Now the American Socialist Democratic Party - or just the socialists) line against the Bush tax cut for the rich. However, note the reality of the problem, the mutual funds being taxed are Main Street's pension funds! Have you spotted the socialist lie??!!!

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