Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama and his Economic Advisor Warren Buffet

A quote;

The Greenberg fiasco has dragged in Warren Buffett, because General Re, a subsidiary of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, was the other side of one of the suspect AIG transactions. Buffett is at best a peripheral player in the drama.

And, on an interesting note of friends of friends;

He is scheduled to meet with investigators on April 11, but New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's office has taken pains to note that Buffett is being called in as a witness, not a target.

And --

The folksy billionaire and investor par excellence is the self-appointed conscience of the American capitalist democrat.

And Finally, the source;

[ , Posted Monday, April 4, 2005,]
(Disclosure: Buffett is a director of the Washington Post Company, which owns Slate.)

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