Friday, October 10, 2008

Are You Ready for the Great Depression?

As stock markets continue to plunge, what the mainstream media won't tell you is that they are part of the problem. It's not just a confidence issue, there are real economic fundamental that are now broken and need fixing. All of the medias experts are urging calm - and business as usual. They're wrong (partily) yes stay calm (because there is an out) but it's far from business as usual.

The problem is that we wanted way too much. Our expectation of entitlements, free health care, free education, free (universal housing) and the ever expanding government - all cost real money. However, socialists like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, don't understand this. They believe if they had control of everything (a socialist utopia) that they can deliver a perfect world. So, in lock step with global socialists, and the UN, the Democrats (although hidden from the people) are the new American socialists - and they are planning the new USA - the USSA (the United Socialist States of America).

This crisis is the needed first step, in the socialist manifesto, toward a socialist state. Fear, and panic, which evolves into anger against the government - is the tool they use, to stand and say, "We are with you and we have a solution". The look like leaders, just like Barack Obama, and they will sell you socialism. They will sell you - into giving them full control of everything. They will start with the major institutions, banks and health care. It will evolve to everything else from there. This is the goal of the socialists Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and the rest of the Democrats (who are now the Socialist Democrats).

They have fooled (and are fooling) the people into thinking that they are for the people - and against the "evil" corporations. They are holding hearings to show how they are "so angry" at the corporate greed. What they don't tell you is that this is a show - not real. They aren't angry - they are participating in the greed. Why? Because the companies in front of them are their major supporters and friends. It was the Socialist Democrats, now holding these hearings that created the law (the Community Reinvestment Act, Fanni Mae and Freddie Mac) that created this economic crisis.

What this means, the that the Socialist Democrats (who control both the house and senate - since Jan.2005) have no interest in stopping this financial crisis. In fact, they want this to happen - they have been hoping for this. It's need so they can bring in their socialist state - with the globally loved leader Barack Obama. Obama is loved in the manner that Kim is in North Korea, Lenin was in the USSR (now Russia) and Hitler was in Germany (and yes Hitler was a socialist leader and Nazi Germany was a socialist state). So are you ready for the Great Depression? The USSA? Under the beloved leader Barack Obama!

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