Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Free Speech & A Free Society - More Than Just an Intelectual Exercise

For anyone who can remember the 60's, or knows what history is, knows that - that period was supposed to be the decade of change. It was supposed to usher in a new freer, open society. What resulted was drug addiction & homelessness. For all the talk of freedom, and a free society, generation after generation (on university campuses) have tried to relive the 60's . Each time with the hope of achieving the goals of an improved world (freer) - yet each time all that results is rhetoric.

The irony is that since the 90's freedom has steadily been eroded, the popular view is that it's the right doing the damage. However, the left is often more to blame than the right - and specifically socialism (which exists on both the left and right). However, the right is exclusionary - where the left is inclusionary. Historically, the right has come in after the damage caused by the left. Each are facilitated by their twin siblings nihilism and anarchism. All of socialism has it's common roots in modernist and post-modernist philosophy. The the overall goal of socialism is to engineer the great society (a utopia). The left are environmentalists, believing that they can use the environment to changing society - to bring them to the right thinking. The right are eugenicists (geneticists) believing the change comes through genetic engineering. Each has it's "defectives" who must be eliminated for the good of the society. On the left, it's the mentally defectives and on the right it's the genetically defectives. Each are ushered to a "happy death" (the definition of euthanasia).

Socialism emerged from imperialism with a sibling - individualism. Socialism emerged as an elected monarchy, keeping the state at the center of society. While individualism (the first born) emerged with the individual as state & sovereign. The first version of individualism emerged in the late 1700's as America (and Americanism) while socialism emerged later from the French revolution. Europe kept the monarchist system, while America adopted the Roman senate system (evolving from the British parliamentary system). This sets the stage for events that are occurring in neo-modern era socialism (beginning in the 1990's).

In then 1990's, after the nihilism of the 60's & 70's; following the anarchy of the 1980's (in the wake of the 60's & 70's drug addiction); afterwhich was the brief emergence of the right and individualists - came the new era of the left (now commonly referred to as the socialists). The history of socialism was set to repeat itself, with each side ignoring theirown past - insisting that this time things would be different. Yet almost 20 years on, the rhetoric of a free society still rings empty in the dead halls of academia (a result of post-modernism). In this era, pseudo-intellectualism it's face; pseudo-intellectualism and intellectualism have become synonymous. The cries of freedom have become self defeating - even in environments supporting free speech. An example, (from a free speech group - Schools Have NO RIGHT Telling Us What We Can and Cannot Say On facebook ) "u should NOT be a part of a group you DO NOT agree with" and from the same person, "i think that if some1 calls some1 a nigger, on fb, wearther Whoever it is, Police N School Borad should get involded!!!!!!" . This massive contradiction has kept the concept of a free society just that - a concept; rhetoric.

True freedom cannot just be thought about - or remain more than mere rhetoric. Real steps must be taken to move forward, the first was Americanism in the late 1700's and the next is Global Americanism, which came into reality just in 2000. Now there's a choice you can just sit there and talk about a free society or you can become a citizen of Democratic Earth (with just a click of the mouse) and take the next step forward - out of rhetoric and into reality.



