Monday, October 27, 2008

The Socialists

During this election (2008) we have heard much about socialism and socialist. When Reagan was president we heard a lot about socialism and socialists - so, what is socialism and who are the socialists? Socialism is a model of society in which a small group of people - the intellectuals, run everything - for the good of society. Socialism is, fundamentally, an elected Oligarchy. It is not a true democracy. The proceeding is a simple digest of socialism, because it's not just one thing, but comes in large variety flavors. Socialism starts with the fundamental belief that there is (are) no God, (or gods) - therefore man must take charge of society, and it's destiny. How this is accomplished, determines the type of socialism.

The development and types of socialism;

==The Classical age==

  1. Naturalists - believe only in nature (God is excluded), but have no real proof.

  2. Darwinists - take the work of Darwin, and expand on his view evolution, as their proof

  3. Eugenists - expand Darwinism to humans; this included human experimentation in the same manner as any animal. This can be seen to be the roots of modern medicine (a purely physical and anatomical view of the human body).

  4. The other major group (the other side of socialists) during the classical age are the philosophers, who comment on the state of society and suggest improvements. However, during this period the moral authority are the monarchy and the church.

    ==The Modern age==

    (Socialism evolves into two groups, the philosophers and the scientists (who were philosophers))

  5. Psychiatrists (scientists) - expanded human experimentation, humans, to the brain and neurochemistry (eliminating the mind)

  6. Psychologists (philosophers) - looked at the environment (society itself) as the cause and effect on behavior [Freud, Jeung]

  7. The Communistists (philosophers) - Marxists; Russia (Leninists, Stalinists) ; China (Maoista) - These are the main forms Communists (an evolution of psychologists) that "suceeded" in taking over a country.

  8. Nationalists (scientists) - the Nazis (an evolution of Eugenists)

  9. ==1945 was a big year for socialism. It was the modern age, killed by the atomic bomb (1945), the horrors of the Nazi social experiment, and the beginning of the Cold War.==

    ==The Post-Modern age==

  10. Scientists & Realists - only science can solve the ills of society, their belief in themsleves and man, out weighs any belief in God, or a god. (Religion is reduced to a concept or philosophy.)
    However, there was a further split between the physics community and the rest of science. While the rest of science remained classical in structure and nature, physics fundamentally changed with the atomic bomb and atomic physics. Modern physics would be fundamentally different from classical physics. It would also produce space science, the space program and the computer age. All of which are fundamental contradictions to the socialist base of the scientists, because it ends certainty and prediction.

  11. Unionists (morons/workers)- see unions as the center (and fundamentals) of society
    Unionists are not socialists, by definition, because they are not academics. Officially, according to socialist/academic standards, unionists, because they have high school, or less, are classified as morons and require union hierarchy to manage their affairs. This is the current structure of unions. [reference: Happy Death (for definition of moron)]

  12. Nihilists/Anarchists (philosophers) - belief in reality is suspended (essential core of the 60's and the psychodelic experience)

  13. Surrealists (philosophers) - bent reality with psychotropic drugs (but were not necessarily Nihilists)

  14. The psychodelic socialist era which lasted a short 5 years (1965 to 1970) end with the 1970's drug addiction and homelessness created by the drug addiction. This killed the neo-socialists and the post-modernists following the surrealist lin. What followed would be Anarchy. The anarchists, within the Nihilist would take center stage.

    ==The Post-Modern Anarchist-Nihilist age (1980)==
  15. Anarchist-Nihilists (philosophers) - belief in reality and society is suspended, and it reverts to a tribal state of society. It was reflected in the dress of the new punk-rock movement, and the 1980's typical dress/fashion reflecting social decay.

  16. ==The Post-Modern Socialist Rebirth (1990)==
  17. Neo-paganists/Neo-Tribialists (philosophers) - paganism, and tribalism, is reborn among the socialists to form the peace (no nukes) movement (the peaceniks). It evolves from the tribalism (tribalists) that emerges from Anarchist-Nihilists, and includes groups like the Goth.

  18. Geneticists (scientists) - are rebirth of Eugenists, based on genetic science.

  19. Environmentalists (philosophers) - reborn Naturalist, in post-modern reconstructionist (or neo-naturalist) form. It also mixes in with neo-tribalism and neo-paganism [reference: the Burning Man Festival]

  20. Racists (philosophers) - see race, and repairing the damage of systemic racism, as the central issue in improving society, a neo-marxist reconstruction

  21. This label, is not the epitaph that one calls another it defines any group who believes (or sees) race, and repair the damage of systemic racism, as the central issue in improving society. It's socialism with this function as primary in social justice.

  22. Capitalists (realists) - see large corporations as the center of society.
    These are actually neo-capitalists, because they see corporate monopolies running the world. They are not free-market capitalists who see a wide diverse economy. They are oligarchs, who view few monopolies, and conglomerates, as the standard. As stock market collapse/crisis works in their favor. Capitalists and union hierarchy became partners in the late 1990's.

  23. Obamaist (philosophers) - The socialist follower of Obama, just as those who followed Lenin are Leninists. The philosophy pulls from a variety of left socialist ideals.

Social justice is the cry - socialism is the answer - so say the socialists. The apologists say - choose your poison! (because, they are all socialists {they referring to politicians and political choice}). The history of socialism is long, and it's still evolving. The end of the Soviet Union (the USSR) was not the end of socialism, it was just an end of a phase of socialism - just as the end of Nazis were. Mistakenly, socialism and socialist are viewed as leftist, liberals, etc. . Socialism, and socialists, exist on both the left and the right and sit in the geopolitcal spectrum with Theists (the belief in religious based societies, with the leader given divine right to rule). This article is a brief overview of socialism, with which we can (and will) explore socialism further.

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