Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Death

For socialists, right and wrong (morals) are relative. Murder isn't murder, if it's happy or beneficial. Happy death is sited as a means to improve society - to eliminate the imperfect. The imperfect, who are clearly suffering, and providing an undue burden on society. For these people, and the subhumans, infecting the gene pool - happy death is applied as a humane solution. The view is, if the death is "painless" and good then it's ok. This view is well documented in history, and completely ignored by socialists.

Using two references printed prior to 1965, a good understanding of happy death can be seen and understood. To begin, believe it or not, we are not in modern times. Socialism has three periods classical, modern and post-modern. Socialism, fundamentally, began with the utterance of, "God is dead", in the age of classical science. With this statement, God, religion, the soul and all moral standards also were dead. This posed the question, where did humans come from - the naturalists (the Darwinists) had the answer; man evolved. From here the social view (historically) splits in to two fundamental groups; (and this begins are historical case study).

[From; Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, 1938 to 1968, Lib. of Congress Catalog Card # 68-20922]
Eugenics - - A division of biological science .... concerned with the study of human heredity and methods of improving the heritage of human beings.

Sir Francis Galton, a student of human heredity, was a pioneer in suggesting the possibility of securing a better heritage for mankind by deliberate control of human reproduction.

The great mass of respectable, self-maintaining, ambitious human beings .... are not maintaining their lines of descent. --- The purpose of eugenics to correct this discrepancy demands for its realization some practical means of leveling the birth rate by increase in the upper brackets of society and by decrease in the lower. {Planned parenthood and abortion} Sterilization has been suggested for the latter purpose and has been legalized by more than half of the states. It can be applied as a legal compulsion, however, only to institutionalized criminals and defectives, and this application does not reach this parts of society most in need of restriction. Education in the serious import of the unbalanced birth rate and in the responsibility of the family to society have also been suggested, but unfortunately the foundations of human existence involve a stronger sense of responsibility to family than society.

Idiocy - That degree of mental deficiency characterized by the exhibition of a mental age less than a child of three. (A person displaying such behavior is an - idiot.)

Mental Deficiency - Arrested or incomplete development of the mind {psychology} due to arrested or incomplete development of the brain. {psychiatry} In the United States mental defectives are classed as (1) idiots, those whose mental development never gets beyond that of a normal child of 3 years; (2) imbeciles, who reach the mental age of 7; (3) feebleminded individuals, who reach the mental age of 10 years, and (4) morons, whose mental age is 12 years. --- In Great Britain, mental deficiency is defined as a condition of arrested development of mind existing before the age of 18 years, and mental defectives are subdivided as (1) idiots, who are unable to guard themselves against common dangers; (2) imbeciles; who though not idiots are incapable of managing or being taught to manage themselves or their affairs; (3) feebleminded, who though not imbeciles are so defective as to require supervision and control and as children are incapable of receiving education at school; (4) moral defectives, in whom mental defect is coupled with vicious or criminal propensities.

In primary mental deficiency heredity is a prominent factor.

The above study shows the mind set of socialism to design and shape society. One should realize, that the above is not current, and can no longer be found in science literature today. It's be "cleaned" out to be more sensitive about social issues. However, the underlying ideas are very much present. Ask yourself why abortion clinics are primarily located in poor neighborhoods. Further, and finally, you will see that the above and happy death (to achieve the social goals) is the base, the fundamentals, of socialism.

Definition: Euthanasia; Well death, good death [Webster's Dictionary, 1975]

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