Friday, October 24, 2008

CNN's Openly biased Jack Cafferty Ignores Palin Porn by Obama Camp

CNN Transcript Oct. 23 2008

JACK CAFFERTY, CNN ANCHOR: Wolf, John McCain said this on February 3, 2008 when talking about his run for the White House. This is a quote. "We will run an honorable campaign."

McCain made that statement in response to a question about whether his campaign would resemble George Bush's run for the White House in 2000, which as you'll recall was one of the nastier campaigns on record. Well, with less than two weeks to go now before Election Day, it's very much an open question whether John McCain has kept his word. In fact, in the last few weeks, John McCain has become downright nasty.

It began around the time -- you'll recall this -- the time that one of his advisers said that if McCain campaigned on the economy, he would lose. And the ugly personal attacks began:

- Barack Obama's past acquaintance with William Ayers; (true)
- Barack Obama's economic plan is socialism; (It is)
- Barack Obama will say anything to get elected. ; (He will, including disavowing his paster of 20 years)
- His running mate, Sarah Palin , chimed in with such gutter-level rhetoric as Obama pals around with terrorists. ; (Ayres did bomb the pentagon and Obama has work closely with Ayres in Chicago and as an Illinios state senator. This included a "working" party at Ayres home.)

The sudden negative tone (or reality) for the man who vowed to run an honorable campaign is not going unnoticed by the voters (Obama supporters and a biased media). A recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll found 60 percent -- that's three-fifths of the voters that were surveyed -- think John McCain has unfairly attacked Barack Obama, and that is up rather sharply from 42 percent just a month before.

It's sad that an honorable man like John McCain, in a desperate struggle to avoid being embarrassed on November the 4th, has resorted to campaign tactics that are typically associated with people who can make no legitimate claim to being honorable.

The Huffington Post Review of Palin Porn by "the Friends of Hillary"
The faux Sarah is Lisa Ann, who "will be nailing the Russians who come knocking on her back-door." In another scene -- a flashback -- "young Paylin's creationist college professor will explain a 'big bang' theory even she can't deny!"

There's also a threeway with Hillary and Condoleezza look-alikes. The video is in pre-production, but is being fast tracked for release before the election.

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