Friday, October 10, 2008

The UN for Socialists and DE for Americans

The UN for Socialists and DE for Americans

If, over the last few weeks and days, you confidence in American freedom has hit an all time low, or you are seriously concerned. There is a solution.

Woodrow Wilson created the UN for socialists, I (Dr. Daniel Carras) created DE (Democratic Earth) for Americans. The UN has set it's site on creating a global socialist utopia - via a global socialist government. DE has set it's site on global American democracy - against global socialism.  We have, and are, answering the global socialist point for point with private, no government controlled solutions.

- our flag is the American revolutionary flag
    - A cross has been placed in the center of the 13 stars
    - The 13 star represents Christ and the 12 apostles
    - While our moral base is early Christianity, pre 1000 AD, the cross on the flag is in reference to what Christ did in history - stand against authority!
    - Christ stood for equality for all, and challenged the assumed divine right to rule, and the divine right of authority.
    - He was executed (crucified) on the cross - by the Jewish and Roman authorities, sacrificing himself for us
    - He also stated the love cannot be force, but choosen by free will
    - He called Himself God, and invited all to become His family

- our morals
    - The Original Christian morals (pre 800AD), which includes it's Jewish origins.
    - We are all family, so we are all equal
    - love and peace are at the base of these morals, along with free will

- our constitution is at and is built on the original American Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

We have:

1. A court of justice;
2. A bank; (we have real solution for this economic crisis)
3. No taxes - ever!
4. An education system;
5. A health care system;

If you are concerned about how you can save your American freedom, as the USA has become the USSA (United Socialist States of America), then;

1. go to and fill out the form the best you can, you can go to and request to be our friend

2. If you choose the myspace option, please a message with you information (name, address, etc.)
3. Once you have been confirmed (by either means) you can create yourown id card (just email us a digital picture of it).
4. Use your rights as a global American!

Let's stand, together against global socialism, the UN and the USSA!

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