Monday, October 13, 2008

Comrade Obama

Why do American socialists feel the need to deny who they are? Continually, in order to get elected they run their campaigns - unlike their European cousins - as faux Republicans or conservatives. This was true of the 2004 congressional election. Democrats ran in the conservative industrial belt, not as socialists, not even as typical Democrats - but as fiscally conservative Republicans. Obama, as revered as he is in the socialist world, has changed his presidential campaign, from the definitively socialist primary to a Republican campaign. He is now talking tax cut, not tax increase. His is now talking about a hybrid private-public healthcare system, not a government controlled universal healthcare system. He is now talking about drilling for oil, where before he was for only "green" energy. He is on record, working with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, and Acorn - now he doesn't know them. He's on record talking open globalism, open borders, and speaking unconditionally with enemies of the United States - now he is American and patriotic. He ran (in the primaries) against guns (with the socialist peace groups), for abortion (with the socialist materialists), for housing as a right (with the communist socialists ACORN), - now, he's in middle America talking about how he identifies with their values.

Barack association with socialists is not new, nor is his association with radical revolutionaries. Yet, seeing all this, and the wealth of information that can be researched, one wonders why it's not in the news. A quick study of socialism, and socialists, shows that it's not a bottom up movement - but an intellectual movement, grown in academic institutions. It's academic, privileged people, putting on clothes of the less educated and sitting (communing) with the mindless masses of society. These elites, take pity on - and then educate - the masses about how they (the elite) can improve their (the masses) lives. They then teach them how, poverty is not their fault - but a product of oppression by an evil, greedy master. Cultivating, and agitating, they push the masses to revolution - and central government (a league of academic privileged) control. A kindly group of big brothers and sisters, who will take care of the masses - doing what's best for them; what's best for society. A major part of the academic elite is the media - the press.

The irony here, being that with such control, the fear of running as a socialist would be non-existent. However, a view of socialism, and socialists, in history may shed some light on the issue. Socialism is a model of society in which a small group of people - the intellectuals, run everything - for the good of society. The proceeding is a simple digest of socialism, because there is a large variety of socialism. Socialism starts with the fundamental belief that there is no God, or gods - therefore man must take charge of society and it's destiny. How this is accomplished, determines the type of socialism. For example, Darwinists believe in evolution, and that man is the highest form of evolution. They also believe that properly evolved humans are intellectual, and all other are sub-human. As such, in order to perfect human society (thereby created a new world order - a utopia), all sub-humans must either be evolved (re-educated if possible) or eliminated. This view of socialism (eliminating the imperfections from society) is standard across all forms of socialism. However, they never define it as murder. It's usually called a "happy" death or an abortion. This happy death, or abortion, existed in the socialist states of Russia (under Stalin), China (under Mao) and Nazi Europe (under Hitler).

This is what's particularly disturbing about Obama's socialist record. In line with today's socialists, the abortion of infants is viewed in the same manner as the Jews, and other undesirables were, under the Nazis. Today's socialists give many reasons how abortion can improve society (like planned parenthood and population control) . With the power of life, and death, in their hands - socialists wield their god-like power and ideas - condemning anyone who threatens their view of a perfect society. Socialism starts off kind, and promises of a better world, but ends in death and destruction. Truly, from a historical perspective, a hell on Earth. This is the fear behind socialism, and the word socialist, but socialist are ignorant of theirown history - insisting that "this time will be different - better!"

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