Thursday, October 9, 2008

Glenn Beck: We are turning into France?

GLENN: I will give you what I believe is the best-case scenario and that is we go through a significant downturn here and at the other end, a few years down the road, we look like France. We have about that much clout in the world, maybe England. We have about that much clout in the world. Our economic power has been that diminished and our welfare and our government resembles France. I believe unless people in congress -- I don't know about you, but I pray for the people in congress, both sides of the aisle and the President and the candidates every single day: Please, Lord, without the pain, please have everybody wake up. Please, please guide them. But I think we're going to look like France. It could be much, much worse than that.

I believe there is a possibility that the country breaks apart and it's because of the disenfranchisement that I have been warning about for a while and I've been begging people in congress, please don't do this, please don't continue to reinjure people; you don't have any idea what you're messing with here, you don't understand where people are living. And now when you add financial trouble and you wipe out people's savings and you start talking about buying all the mortgages that, you know, that nobody could afford because they shouldn't have bought them in the first place. They weren't responsible. "Wait a minute, how come I have to pay that mortgage. Wait a minute. I'm paying higher taxes and I played by the rules and now I'm being hurt for everybody else? And you're continuing to grow this giant government? There's no way out." Once that takes root, trouble. Trouble, trouble, trouble. Because we are not France. We are not England. We are Americans. And I don't care what they think in New York City America is. I don't care what they think what in Hollywood California, what they think America is. It ain't that. We are entrepreneurs. We are the people that tamed the West. We're the people that said, you know what, I don't like that; I'm going here because I'll be in charge of my own life. I'll do it. I'll tame the West. I'll take this uninhabitable land and I will grow things with it and I will create a better tomorrow. That's who we are. We're not French.

But there is enough people that are disenfranchised to the point to where they already want to secede from the union. I told you a couple of years ago the secession movement in this country is growing. I told you last week, I've been watching websites, not me personally but somebody on my staff that watches websites all the time and they watch the extremist websites, from the crazies that are home grown to Al-Qaeda, we watch them. There is a difference in those websites right now. The ones who are Americans are now starting to say rise up, take your country back, grab your arms. Gang, that is not the answer. That is not the answer. But disenfranchisement is growing.

So let's say those crazies are 8%, that don't believe in the government, don't believe in the Constitution and whether they are left or right or somewhere in between, they just stop this government and the Constitution. Then you add those people who are disenfranchised, who believe in this Constitution but they no longer believe in the people in those offices but they still believe in the system. That's where I am. But there's a growing number of people in my group that are now starting to say, "But I don't know how to fix this system because this system is rigged against the people." Wait until you add the disenfranchisement of the next election. The fraud has already begun. When this election -- if this election, God forbid, if this election is deemed fraudulent by either side, now you've rigged it. People already doubt, but once they really doubt that your voice will actually be heard on either side, you can't keep taking things we believe in away from us.

You add global finance, France, the UN, Russia, China has asked for a global currency. France said yesterday or day before, new world order. One financial system needs to come out of this. Last night for the first time ever all the central banks globalized and they all made one move together and they're all now saying we need to meet, we need to control the globe's financing. The UN is talking about a UN financial network. One currency. You add to the disenfranchisement now, what is it, 79% of Americans are Christian? How many of those actually still believe in the resurrection, how many believe still really in the return of Christ? 50%? 40%? I don't know, but it's large, that actually say, you know, there is some day where all these things are going to come true. Well, one world finance, one world currency, new world order, going to spook the bejesus out of those people.

So from that maybe 2% of people that are spooky and crazy, you keep going down this road and the politicians stick the normal people in the eye and say, "Oh, well, you couldn't really do anything about that. How about I jab this into you a little more." How many percentage points do you add? One global currency. How many percentage points do you add? It's a table that you can keep adding. Disenfranchisement is its own table. You can't keep adding weight to it and that's what everybody is doing. Everybody step of the way all of these different groups, they keep having another load, sandbag, thrown on top of them. Well, at some point -- and I believe it's going to be the crazy leg -- somebody is going to do something nuts.

Let me take -- let's say it's not an American, you know, revolutionary that should be nailed and executed like Timothy McVeigh. Let's say, something crazy, that Al-Qaeda is already here. Let's say there's -- let's say there's a cell that we all know about in Virginia. If you've been listening to this show for the last couple of years, you know exactly what I'm talking about, that the State Department won't do anything about because it's financed by the Saudis. Let's just say that could happen. Now let's just say that that cell's been waiting and that cell sees this financial situation and knows "We could collapse America." And they go into the malls, they go into our schools, whatever, and there's ten bombs, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and America freaks out. Well, let me ask you this: The Bubba Factor. Bubba says, "Well, damn these guys, I know exactly who they are." There's a guy who works at the 7-11 and he goes in and he shoots him. Well, that guy was an Indian. That guy wasn't an Al-Qaeda terrorist. He might have been Arab but he wasn't a terrorist. Well, the government must go in and take down Bubba. But at the same time they take down Bubba, you've got the disenfranchisement and you've got a group of people who are normal, who say, "Wait a minute, just a second. Okay, that guy was bad, but wait a minute, you're going after him; you are the guys who did it. You didn't pay attention to that cell. You knew. You knew the border was open, you knew these people were here in Virginia, and you did nothing because you wanted to save yourself and you wanted to save political correctness." Now what happens then?

At some point exactly what's happening now with the economy is going to happen. God forbid, I pray every night this is wrong. The same thing is going to happen. People are going to walk into the President's office and they are going to say, Mr. President, we've got civil disobedience, this whole damn country is coming apart at the seams. You have got to crack down on anyone of any kind of dissent. If it's a dissenting voice, it is going out of control. You've got to stop it. And the President hopefully will say, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, we can't do that." "Mr. President, if you don't get guns off the street right now, Mr. President, if you don't shut down dissenting voices right now, the whole country is going to be lost." The same argument they are using right now. God help the President of the United States, whoever he is, because I know I wouldn't want to be there. I wish we had George Washington and I wish we were voting for Abraham Lincoln. Who knows. Maybe that person will come out in the individuals we have to elect. But one way or another that could happen and that President could say, crack down.

I told you last week they've got a brigade here in America for this eventuality or for terrorism. They've got a brigade here. It's happening. They are preparing. Because if you were President, you would prepare as well. But once they do that, because there's so much disenfranchisement, all bets are off. It depends on where you're living in the country. Because we don't trust each other. Because we don't trust our leaders. Because we don't even know our history or our Constitution anymore. I beg of you, please, please read the Constitution. Please read The Real George Washington, The Real Thomas Jefferson, The Real Ben Franklin. Read the 5,000 Year Leap. Read them. Because you may be the one that helps save them. Know these things. Please ponder them in your heart. Please listen to them. Because I don't tell you this because I want you to freak out and I want you to look, look what's coming, oh, they are out to get you. I say it because these things are going to happen and they are going to happen rapidly. You've got to know what you believe in. You've got to be able to consider this as a possibility because when they happen, the worst thing that can happen, as I said to you a year ago. I don't tell you these things to freak you out about the economy. I tell you so you can be prepared because people, when it happens, will freak out. And if they freak out, it's too late. You are to know these things because you are going to be asked and be required to not freak out, to calm people. You might know Bubba, and you are there to calm them because it's a snowball, and once it starts rolling, events will happen too quick and you will lose your country overnight.


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